Successful Growth in software industry can liberate us from IMF

The economic conditions of Pakistan have deteriorated at a very fast pace during the last three years. We were liberated from the controls of IMF in 2005 after a long struggle of 15 years and today we are again back to square one and there seems no hope for our financial survival. IT industry is one sector which failed to flourish here when the world was investing in it.

India focused on its software industry from the start. Their official software exports in 1985 were US $4 million that soared to US $5.3 billion in year 2000. Today they are generating US $71.6 billion from this sector.

If Pakistan has to survive as an independent state, the young minds of this nation need to be steered towards software industry. This is the only sector that requires very little investment and no raw materials. It is solely dependent upon the intellectual abilities of the young minds and can generate revenues more than our total exports to the world, helping us liberate ourselves financially.


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