Usefulness of Automated Domicile Issuance System by PITB

Domicile Management System, developed by PITB, has smoothed the whole domicile issuance process by solving many problems such as workload during admissions and jobs, corruption, long queue of citizens for domicile processing, out of turn issuance of domicile, and difficulty in record keeping. Transparent and Quick Delivery of Computerized Domiciles! Under the automated Domicile Management System, more than 2,089,878 computerized domiciles have been issued till date while maintaining a flexible data open to any future changes in citizens' profiles. This system has been designed to facilitate the public and ensure timely provision of domicile. The vision is to use information technology to enable and support an efficient, flexible, responsive and in novative public service delivery with enhanced internal efficiency and improved decision support system. District administrations are provided access to the software for digital data documentation enabling the timely deli...